- last updated 25 day(s) ago
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- Latest version: 2.8.2

Phobos.Actor 2.0.0-beta1
Automatic Akka.NET tracing and monitoring integration as part of the Phobos Enterprise Framework.
Install-Package Phobos.Actor -Version 2.0.0-beta1
dotnet add package Phobos.Actor --version 2.0.0-beta1
<PackageReference Include="Phobos.Actor" Version="2.0.0-beta1"/>
paket add Phobos.Actor --version 2.0.0-beta1
Release Notes
MAJOR RELEASE OF PHOBOS** In Phobos 2.0 we have migrated all of our tracing and monitoring capabilities to use [OpenTelemetry](https://opentelemetry.io/). As we mentioned in our recent blog post about Phobos 2.0 and its relationship with OpenTelemetry, we did this for the following reasons: OpenTelemetry is now the official APM solution for the entire .NET platform, including other popular frameworks such as ASP.NET and Entity Framework; All major APM vendors and OSS project such as Prometheus, Jaeger, DataDog, AWS, GCP, Azure, Elastic, and so on are all committed to supporting OpenTelemetry going forward and they implement their own first-party exporters that transmit data to those platforms; The performance of the `OpenTelemetry.Trace` and `OpenTelemetry.Metrics` implementations, which Phobos uses, are identical no matter which combination of exporters you adopt; and OpenTelemetry is much more decoupled and extensible than any of the previous solutions in market. We have replaced all of our OpenTracing and App.Metrics dependencies with 2.x going forward. Installation and Configuration** To use Phobos 2.0.0-beta* in your solution, all you need to do is: 1. Install [the appropriate `Phobos.Actor.*` package](https://phobos.petabridge.com/articles/setup/index.html#nuget-packages) into your application using the 2.0.0-beta* version; 2. Install the appropriate [`OpenTelemetry.Exporter.*` packages](https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=OpenTelemetry.Exporter) you want to use in combination with your preferred APM tools; and 3. Configure your `IServiceCollection` with the following (adjust as needed): ```csharp // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. // For more information on how to configure your application, visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=398940 public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // Prometheus exporter won't work without this services.AddControllers(); var resource = ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault() .AddService(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Name, serviceInstanceId: $"{Dns.GetHostName()}"); // enables OpenTelemetry for ASP.NET / .NET Core services.AddOpenTelemetryTracing(builder => { builder .SetResourceBuilder(resource) .AddPhobosInstrumentation() .AddSource("Petabridge.Phobos.Web") .AddHttpClientInstrumentation() .AddAspNetCoreInstrumentation() .AddJaegerExporter(opt => { opt.AgentHost = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(JaegerAgentHostEnvironmentVar); }); }); services.AddOpenTelemetryMetrics(builder => { builder .SetResourceBuilder(resource) .AddPhobosInstrumentation() .AddHttpClientInstrumentation() .AddAspNetCoreInstrumentation() .AddPrometheusExporter(opt => { }); }); // sets up Akka.NET ConfigureAkka(services); } ``` The `.AddPhobosInstrumentation()` line will ensure that OTel picks up all of the signals produced by Phobos - and you need to call this line for *both* metrics and tracing! Finally, you need to configure your `ActorSystem` to use Phobos and to leverage the `TracerProvider` and `MeterProvider`s from OpenTelemetry: ```csharp public static void ConfigureAkka(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddSingleton(sp => { var metrics = sp.GetRequiredService<MeterProvider>(); var tracer = sp.GetRequiredService<TracerProvider>(); var config = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(File.ReadAllText("app.conf")) .BootstrapFromDocker() .UseSerilog(); var phobosSetup = PhobosSetup.Create(new PhobosConfigBuilder() .WithMetrics(m => m.SetMetricsRoot(metrics)) // binds Phobos to same IMetricsRoot as ASP.NET Core .WithTracing(t => t.SetTracer(tracer))) // binds Phobos to same tracer as ASP.NET Core .WithSetup(BootstrapSetup.Create() .WithConfig(config) // passes in the HOCON for Akka.NET to the ActorSystem .WithActorRefProvider(PhobosProviderSelection .Cluster)); // last line activates Phobos inside Akka.NET var sys = ActorSystem.Create("ClusterSys", phobosSetup); // create actor "container" and bind it to DI, so it can be used by ASP.NET Core return new AkkaActors(sys); }); // this will manage Akka.NET lifecycle services.AddHostedService<AkkaService>(); } ``` This is fundamentally not all that different from how Phobos 1.x works. We will update our official documentation and website with more Phobos 2.0-specific instructions as our releases mature, but for the time being please don't hesitate to submit an issue on the [Phobos Issue Tracker](https://github.com/petabridge/phobos-issues) if you run into trouble! Phobos 1.x Support Lifetime** Per our recent announcement, we will continue to support Phobos 1.x and 2.x concurrently. Phobos 1.x will exit support on December 31st, 2023.
- Phobos.Monitoring (>=2.0.0-beta1)
- Phobos.Tracing (>=2.0.0-beta1)
- Phobos.Actor.Common (>=1.1.1)
- last updated 1118 day(s) ago
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- 272865 total downloads
- 101 downloads of current version
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